Friday, March 15, 2013

We Are Trying Something New

We tried to keep our blog updated regularly but have not done a very good job of late. Part of the problem with that was that one of us felt like she had to write a short story every time she updated the blog ... usually because enough time had lapsed that there was a lot to say.

We have switched to an e-newsletter format (through Mail Chimp) with the hope that we can update more often and keep those updates short enough that you don't have to take a coffee break to read them!

If you are not on our newsletter list and would like to receive an e-newsletter, please send us a message through here, facebook, or shoot us an email and we'll be happy to add you.

One of our January teams making their way through the dinner line in the dining hall.
So far this year we have hosted three teams and are getting ready to host two more Spring teams before we prepare for a VERY full summer. We are so thankful for our teams!

In February we had a break from teams so we got together with several other ministries in town to tour each others facilities.
Here we are touring Caribbean Mountain Academy, a ministry of Crosswinds. This is their team house.
It's Kip's first birthday tomorrow! He is a great dog with LOTS of personality. He keeps us (well, mostly Dick) running up and down the hill playing Frisbee whenever he can.